Why Are Professional Certifications Worth It?

  1.  A Tool For Financial Gain

Employers pay up to 28% more on average for employees who are certificate holders.


2.  Skill & Knowledge Transfer

Your certificate is something that organizations use to identify those who can deliver greater value from those who cannot or not capable of.


3.  The Power of the Certification Itself

Not all certification were created equally and not all of them carry the same return on investment (ROI). Choose wisely; the well-known, the one that teaches you what you expect, the one with measurable value, the accredited, the one issued from an awarding body, and the verified.


4.  Enhancing Confidence

Pick your confidence booster, the knowledge, the solid start, grow personally and connect with like-minded professionals.


5.  Differentiate Yourself

Set yourself apart from the crowd and make headhunters spin around you and reach out.


So, what’s next? …. Do Your RESEARCH


If you’re considering to invest in a certification, take a thorough hard look and research. Make sure to:

  • Check the organization/institution issuing the certificate and whether they are trusted
  • Check if the organization/institution is well known.
  • Research the organization/institution behind the certification and make sure it is legit and reputable.
  • Make sure that the organization/institution issuing the certificate is copyrighted and preferably an awarding body.


What is GInI in Innovation?


The Global Innovation Institute. GInI® is the world’s leading professional certification, accreditation, and membership association in the field of innovation.


GInI’s standards are the most widely used set of guidelines by Innovation professionals. GInI® produced and copyrighted the world’s only comprehensive body of knowledge reference book on the subject of business innovation – the GInI Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB®). GInI’s certificates are also globally registered trademarks. 



The GInI Applied Innovation Master Book (AInMB) structure and outline:

Section 1:  Foundation – Core Innovation Knowledge and Concepts.

Section 2: Tactical Innovation and The Innovation Professional.

Section 3: Innovation Management and The Innovation Manager

Section 4: Applied Design Thinking

Section 5: Strategic Innovation and The Innovation Strategist

Section 6: Enterprise Innovation and The Chief innovation Officer

Section 7: Innovation in the External Environment – Driving New Business Ventures


GInI Certifications:


GInI five certifications are globally registered trademarks and copyrighted by GInI:


1. Certified Innovation Professional (CInP) ® – for working professionals who have an advanced understanding of key topics related to business innovation and innovation management.


2. Certified Design Thinking Professional (CDTP) ® – for innovation professionals who have an advanced understanding of the key topics related to Human-Centered Design, Design Thinking, the Design Thinking process, and Design Methods.


3. Certified Innovation Strategist (CInS) ® – for business leaders who have an advanced understanding of key topics related to innovation strategy, business model innovation, customer experience innovation, and opportunity promotion


4. Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCInO) ® – for senior business leaders who have an advanced understanding of key topics related to enterprise innovation, innovation strategy, innovation groups, innovation spaces, management and workplace innovation, and other leading innovation practices.


5. Authorized Innovation Assessor (AInA) ® – for individuals who met GInI’s standard for conducting innovation maturity assessments on behalf of organizations seeking to secure certification as a GInI Certified Innovative Organization (CInOrg)®. AInAs are authorized by GInI to conduct accreditation assessments for Innovation Labs, Business Incubators, and Accelerator Programs, and to submit Innovation Endorsement Applications on behalf of businesses. 


Why is GInI the best certificate in Innovation to land 


1. Current employment trends

Stay up to date with new emerging employment trends by getting a GInI certification. These certificates will differentiate you from the crowd.


2. Reputation

GInI is the sole awarding body in innovation and the leading institution in the field of Innovation.


3. Guidance from a trusted voice in the field/industry of Innovation

Tie into a certificate that is trusted by more than 10,000 professionals, in 45 countries. Join a community of 5000+ members worldwide.


4. Be the 1st to tap into your area of expertise/Industry

Top 6 industries where GInI professionals work:

  • Energy & Utilities
  • Financial Services
  • Smart Government
  • Health Care
  • Technology
  • Transportation


5. Be the 1st to tap into your area of expertise/specialty

Top 5 areas GInI professionals perform their work in:

  • Information Technology
  • Business Process Management
  • Project Management
  • Research & Development (R&D)
  • Strategy


6. Statistical evidence of increased salary rates associated with certifications

GInI certificate holders earn between 17.5% to 12.1% more than their peers